How many times have you made a statement of encouragement to someone who responded with the words, ‘I hope so’…?

How many times have you said those words, yourself, whether out loud or in your thoughts?

One of the single most powerful discovery I have ever made about prayer, declarations and intercession was found in the meaning of the word PAGA!

The following is an excerpt from my book, Prophetic Impact:

One of the Hebrew words for intercession is paga. Its basic meaning is to make an entrance to hit its mark. Every word that God speaks carries the power to move everything out of the way that would hinder that word. (Bush, Joanne M. (2014-03-13). Prophetic Impact: When Tomorrow Becomes Today (Kindle Locations 1942-1945). Xulon Press. Kindle Edition.)

This understanding opens up a whole new world in the concept of prayer…and especially concerning intercession. When we embrace the fact that the very words that God has spoken carry with it the ability to move everything and anything out of its way to allow it to make its mark, we will see results quicker.

How does this happen? We must first see the results in the spirit realm with the understanding that God has done it. Then it will be easier to see it in the natural realm knowing that God is doing it.

Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it. Jeremiah 1:12

Begin to see the power of God in His word, moving His word toward its mark! All we have to do is speak it with belief!

What puts the POP in Prayer? The Power of Paga!

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