I Love You…BUT

I Love You…BUT

I Love you…BUT

The English language is one that has been brutalized by the very people who must speak and understand it. It is a reflection of what has taken place in our school system during the past two to three generations.

The word “but” has a very simple job to do. Grammaticlly it negates everything that is mentioned before it. As a result, we can contradict ourselves repeatedly in one sentence or when referring to one topic at the same time. Consequently a paragraph can become quite confusing to one not educated in the system of grammar. I have mistakenly used many words out of my personal understanding…and not according to the system of grammar.

When the sentence or statement is read or spoken: I love you, BUT…grammatically you are saying that you DO NOT LOVE THEM. This may not be your intention, but it is the result of the statement.

When the statement, I love you BUT I do not TRUST you, is made the truth of the words spoken grammatically is “I do not trust you.” Love is not carried into the thought of “I do not trust you.”

A clearer and more precise way to get your point across would be: I love you. Your actions, at this time, make it difficult for me to trust your behavior as becoming an individual who acts with integrity. If you desire to continue to grow in righteous living, I can help you learn what that is and how to function with such character. Whether or not you are ready for such instruction, I want you to know that because I love you and value you as our Heavenly Father values you, I will continue to keep you before His Throne so that your destiny can be fulfilled.

If you are dealing with someone whose behavior tends to be that of rage or uncontrolled anger, you may make the same statement, including the phrase that “at this time, your uncontrolled anger causes me to not feel or experience safety around you. Your walk with God and our relationship is important to me. However, we must limit the boundaries of this relationship until there is a change in your heart so that my family and I (or church) can experience a safe environment once more. I am willing to suggest a place where you may receive counseling for this problem.

These are suggested wordings so that people are never left believing they are left outside of the Love of God even when their behavior requires a change.

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Four Winds of God for America

Four Winds of God for America


The following is a declaration I have put together from Ezekiel 37:1-27 to help us in praying for our country. If you are reading this and are from a different country, this principle will work for you as well. This outline has been used in various situations for years, including bringing healing. This is not an etched-in-stone prayer. It is simply a guideline to help. You may change it anyway to suit your need. The methods can always change…the word of God does not change.

Verse 4 … ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.’

Verse 5 “Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones, ‘Behold, I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life.

Verse 6 ‘And I will put sinews on you, make flesh grow back on you, cover you with skin, and put breath in you that you may come alive; and you will know that I am the LORD.'”

AMERICA, hear the word of the Lord! Hear what I, the Lord am saying. The Lord will cause life to come back into AMERICA that we may return to a holy and productive life. AMERICA will acknowledge and display Christ’s Lordship in all that we are and do.

Verse 9 Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life.”‘”

• Come from the four winds, Life of God.

• Come forth judgments and decisions of God concerning our life, our church, our nation (east wind). We repent of having walked contrary to your laws. Judge us with kindness according to your mercy.

• Come forth presence of God (north wind). Make yourself known to AMERICA. We honor and respect you as Almighty God. We acknowledge your might and our inability to live without you.

• Come forth provision of God (south wind). We thank you for your faithfulness, your mercy, your covenant, your kindness, longsuffering, and abundance in goodness and truth. This is the provision that gives a solid and prosperous life.

• Come forth deliverance (west wind) of God that AMERICA may be free of hopelessness. Remove our shackles of selfishness. We commit to walking as Jesus did.

Verse 11 Then He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope has perished. We are completely cut off.’

Verse 12 “Therefore prophesy, and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, My people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel.

Verse 13 “Then you will know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves and caused you to come up out of your graves, My people.

Verse 14 “And I will put My Spirit within you, and you will come to life, and I will place you on your own land. Then you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken and done it,” declares the LORD.'”

We are a nation which belongs to God. We were without hope. We are ready to come out of our graves. Restore vision for our families, the body of Christ and our nation. Restore revelation knowledge and buried gifts. Restore all that is necessary for us to rule and reign in the Kingdom of God. We acknowledge that only you, Lord, can restore life to us.

Verse 21 “And say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I will take the sons of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land;

Verse 22 and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king will be king for all of them; and they will no longer be two nations, and they will no longer be divided into two kingdoms.

Verse 23 “And they will no longer defile themselves with their idols, or with their detestable things, or with any of their transgressions; but I will deliver them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. And they will be My people, and I will be their God.

Cause us to become a united body of the Lord and a united nation under God. Cleanse our churches, our families, our communities, and our government throughout the nation. Strengthen the body of Christ and equip us to rule in your Kingdom.

Verse 27 “My dwelling place also will be with them; and I will be their God, and they will be My people.

Verse 28 “And the nations will know that I am the LORD who sanctifies Israel, when My sanctuary is in their midst forever.”‘”

We acknowledge the Lord as our shepherd. We commit to obeying Him in all that He says. We allow God to rule in our personal Kingdom so that we can rule effectively and productively in the Kingdom of God.

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When Agape is Turned Inward

When Agape is Turned Inward


We have erroneously been taught that we are to love God first, then ourselves and lastly, others. The scriptures read in such a way that this implication may be there, but it is not. We so desperately want what we want…and we want it as quickly as we can get it, before anyone else sucks up what we think brings life to us.

Selfishness is being full of ourselves…and nothing else. Everything in life (and hopefully in heaven) points to me, me, me. The existence of everyone is only for our benefit. Even the way we approach people, avoiding conflict and confrontation is the protection of ourselves; not love for someone else. Fear is birthed out of protecting ourselves. Why chance leaving our protection to God? He may not do it the way we think He should.

We must be honest with ourselves concerning the truth concerning God and His Love versus our love. Even though we misread the concept about loving our neighbor as ourself, the thought should present a selfless love. Yet our demonstration of love toward our neighbor is based upon their reception of our demonstration, or something else we can get out of it which is beneficial to us. It may just be the “good feeling” of having helped someone. The irony of it all is the thought that when others bring pain to us, the statement may be made that we love them but do not like or trust them anymore. We forgive them but forget them.

While the trust factor and such may be a reality in our life, the motivation behind this has more to do with not wanting to interact with an individual in an effort to avoid us pain…not to bring them any love. In all honesty, few people that are loved by us in this way rarely receive prayers and intercession flooded with our undying love for them. Rather it is an execution of prayers that will cause them to get right before God while we gleefully watch the process.

Brothers and sisters: This is not Agape, as described in scripture. It is love de-scribed by the carnal nature of man. We do not like the word “lust”…and we often associate it with inappropriate behavior, but lust is agape turned inward. It has to do with what we want and not what others want or need.

I will never forget the wonderful outpouring of humanity towards the victims of Hurricane Keatrina. I am more familiar with it because it happened in my region. Churches opened their doors to all people, regardless of race or creed.

However, as the cleanup began, churches did not want to continue in any level of relationship with these people who did not fit into their doctrinal or racial category. They were not interested in them attending their churches or living in their neighborhood. What was sold as Agape was really lust…a display of humanity, not godliness.

We see this selfishness displayed throughout our homes, our neighborhoods, and sadly, in our ministries. Even as we watch the sudden overturning of the change of terms, Kingdom now takes center stage as a badge to prove we are on the same page of the FAD; however, not on the same page with God.

There is absolutely no way to give our entire self to God and love ourself out-side of complete love for Him. Our wants, our desires and even what we consider our needs are irrelevant. The scripture says that unless we are willing to lay our life down, we cannot be His disciple. Yet our doctrine has changed to fulfilling all the lusts that keep us happy, comfortable and our needs met. We then give an occasional tip to God reminding Him we still exist. We also thank Him for those favors He has sent our way…and look for the next time He will meet our wants. We have the audacity to call this prosperity. It is the lowest level of poverty that exists.

We praise and worship God when all is going according to the desires of our flesh, yet curse Him when things are not going so well.

It is in this season that we must be honest concerning revival and our desire for it. Is it a selfish desire that will expedite the return of comfort and convenience rather than the laboring of entering Father’s rest to see His word expanding the Kingdom? Face it! Authentic intercession and selflessly loving His people is hard work…and the results take years…not days.

Revival will not solve our problems. Learning Agape and being completely yielded to Father will. In an authentic walk with God, who is Love, requires losing the right to ourselves! (Matthew 12:29-34)

(Jesus Christ is always unyielding to my claim to my right to myself. – Oswald Chambers)

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Don’t Preach, Don’t Eat!

Don’t Preach, Don’t Eat!


Since I started in ministry at a very young age (26) I had opportunity to be around a lot of ministers and ministries through the years. I heard more times than not some say, If you don’t preach, you don’t eat!

I understood what they were saying, but I could not grab hold of that concept. I have seen over the years the financial ruin that has come to some ministers, especially those who traveled when sickness or other tragedy hit their lives. These kind of situations seem to justify this statement.

I have also seen what has happened to ministers who have aged or in nursing homes and the church as a whole has forgotten about them, leaving them destitute. I have also witnessed the spouses who were left to fend for themselves when their mates transitioned.

I have a heart and a tender spot people may not believe I possess. In the midst of these situations I am very understanding. Nonetheless, this attitude of connecting preaching with the money is not correct. We have been trained that your job may be running an enterprise, your own business or working for Walmart. The assumption, then is that my job is preaching.

Taking the message of the Kingdom of God to people is my work, not my job. When I heard these statements, especially from ministers I considered mature in the faith, I did not harshly judge them. I just made a decision to find out what was the better way to live. Would I die as a pauper? Should I have a retirement fund? Should I have a savings account. I had heard some ministers preach against all of these things.

I do not believe it is wrong to have a retirement fund or a savings account. I do believe that a lot to do with finances is how we have been taught in the church without understanding the finances of the Kingdom and what that financial culture would look like.

I do not want to challenge how you handle your finances or where your finances come from that allow you and your family to live. That is not the point of this writing. I want to challenge all of us on our thinking concerning finances. I know of no minister that did not start ministry with a great dream, idea and very little money, if any, to get started. Through the development of trusting God many of us are further along than we would have been without it. Few of us had millionaires backing our endeavors and if you were anywhere close to where I was, digging in the sofa for enough to complete a roll of pennies was not uncommon. We’ve had the phones turned off, walked when cars would not run and then ran them on bald tires.

Yet with all that we can say, look at how many of us have done more than survived. I went from living in a rat and roach infested house to living decent and owning my own home for the last twenty years. What we must think about is have we become dependent on the source being our ability to earn the money, receive an offering or own our businesses? Some of you may say no, that you still believe God is your source of economic streams. To be honest most people do not really know where they are until a crisis unexpectedly falls at your door and you have not been steady in faith development because there has been a stream available for quite a while.

The economic times in our world at this writing is quite volatile. It will not remain steady, but will continue to become even more unstable. I began thinking in these terms thirty years ago. Holy Spirit showed me the future of our financial and healthcare system and instructed me to begin preparing the people I was pastoring at the time for the future. I did prepare them to the best of my ability. I taught the word of God concerning finances, health and the necessity for good relationships in the home and in the body of Christ. I attempted to demonstrate in my own life what I was teaching. I knew they would not remember all I would teach, but they could see by example. Over a period of time I became more conscious of my natural health and set out to take better care of my body.

I was not as successful as I would have liked to have been because I had a fluctuating weight problem. When I did have opportunity for sickness I did not deny the sickness, but I denied its right to be there and I stood my ground until I was healed. I never required this of the people, but I wanted to lead in this endeavor so they could see how it could be done.

I never required them to make their children suffer illnesses without the care of the medical profession. However, they learned how to pray for themselves and their children and discovered their sicknesses did not last as long as in the past. We had families with children who were diagnosed with all types of illness to be adults today without those problems Some saw instant healings, while others were gradual. My own son has suffered with a respiratory disease for over fifty years and has been discouraged because he has not seen his healing. Yet he has done much in his life that doctors said could not be done with his illness. So, I take that as a miracle in itself.

I watched people come to the church with a great job and wonderful income and a horrible attitude toward those who did not have as much. I watched these same people, through teaching and experience develop a whole new level of compassion for people and instead of ridiculing them for their lack, they began to step in to help in training them….and sometimes giving of substance. I saw people come to our church on welfare or with low paying jobs and too many children to fit in that budget. They soon learned how to properly sow and with wisdom how to handle what they reaped. I had no special program at the church for the poor. We had no clothing closet or food pantry. We learned what Kingdom culture was without insisting on a commune style of living.

I can only remember teaching on tithing, by itself, maybe twice the entire I was a pastor. Yet we had an almost 100% tithing church. Giving was never over-emphasized. It was just of the Kingdom culture. When people went on vacation or for whatever reason could not come to church, they mailed their tithes. I never required it nor did I suggest it. Everything we could give was what we gave. What do I mean by that?

Once we needed some chairs for the sanctuary. The total cost was a little more than $3,000. We did not have a special campaign or fundraiser. We did not involve people who were not part of the church. I took the $3,000 and divided it among the amount of people in the church. Their responsibility was to bring in their portion literally or pray it in. No one complained and we were able to purchase our chairs in record time. There was not a pressure, because the prayer was as essential as the money itself.

I had no special training program for any of this. It all part of “seek ye first the Kingdom and His Righteousness…and all else would be added.”

Over the years everyone did not totally adhere to the practice because they were no longer in the atmosphere that advocated this principle. Nonetheless most have held on to something because none of those who used to attend my church are in a bad place financially or health wise. They are working on their relationships because their families are growing and that growth requires a constant governing of attitudes and remembrance of covenant.

The mindset concerning finances as a whole in the body of Christ must change to the Kingdom way of thinking. If we are not allowed wherever we live to have a job what will we do? If goods are withheld or food limited, what will we do?

We have to develop into a force that walk in being more than conquerors rather than just survivors.

I have a friend who pastored with her husband for many years. He passed just as they completed the work on their new sanctuary. The building of this sanctuary had been financed by a bank. Out of nowhere the bank wanted the building, a demand was made upon the church to pay the mortgage off immediately. They were not able to do that, so the building was re-possessed and the pastor had to file bankruptcy. It was a horrible situation, but the bank was in their rights. This is what happens when we do not read our contracts. Many mortgages are based this way…and you own nothing until the last penny is paid. Some have to put a special clause in the contract to reassure you they will not call in your loan at their whim.

The attitude of “don’t preach, so don’t eat” is not a good attitude when we look at our ministries as a stream of income. It doesn’t mean God cannot use it that way and bless in the process. It is not the reason you do what you do. If so, you will be disappointed when you have to rely upon the faith you were teaching to others that you did not learn yourself.

How have I survived? I have actually been an over-comer because I have the attitude that, first of all, I own nothing. It all belongs to Him and He lets me have what He wants to. Second, I personally see the tithe differently. When I receive money, my first thought is how much does he want me to keep. My giving of tithes from that perspective is always more than ten percent. Ten percent for many people become a law…and then binds up your stream without you realizing it. Third, I have learned to give without a formula, period. I give according to God’s desires and purposes. If He wants me to give money to someone, even if I do not currently have that amount of money, once I agree with His request, the money just comes. I have discovered that He has you to give to people who cannot give it back to you on many occasions. I have learned to listen very carefully. Sometimes it may take me a day or two to be assured of His voice and desire in the situation. But, once I know, I just obey. I quit counting money by percentage a long time ago.

I am not rolling in dough, but every need is continually met…and He often gives me my heart’s desire as well. I do not let people know my personal needs as a manipulative weapon. I like to know that what I receive has come from Father. I have had to learn to listen and see at the same time those through whom He is blessing me or the ministry. Once a woman came up to me and asked how much did I need. She made no clarifications on her question. I told her a small amount…I think it was like $100. After she gave me the money she rebuked me. She said the Lord told her to ask me…and He was prepared to pay off my mortgage. My own pride stopped me from telling her what I needed…and my attempt at humility left me with a debt that actually cost me on moving from one state to another.

Kingdom finances is not the same as the world system. Even when we rely upon formulas we can easily move into the world system’s way of thinking.

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Reconciliation To Strengthen a Weak Kingdom Process

Reconciliation To Strengthen a Weak Kingdom Process


Any reconciliation without a Kingdom process only produces a bloodthirsty anger that is fueled by hatred and revenge…and in that anger is where sin is birthed for it is not the vengeance of the Lord, but flesh vengeance.

Godly anger in Christians require us to respond by God’s rules. Vengeance belongs to Him and He brings it His way.

When people retaliate with an anger that requires them to take bloodthirsty revenge against the perpetrator then they have been reduced to the same ground that the enemy lives from…and he now has them held prisoner with the hopeless indictment that nothing will ever change and they will always live, running from rather than leading to.

Born again believers who believe that their prayers have not done enough are right if their prayers have not been infused with true faith. If there is no power in our prayer it is possible that we did not pray a prayer of faith…for faith in God always brings a clear picture and a clear strategy, either to enjoy or to remove. God is redemptive and will always move in that direction…

If people are pondering an anger in their heart that makes them want to go after the enemy of the problem and all they can see are people, they have not yet seen what God wants them to see.

The enemy operates in cycles. It works, so he constantly shifts people through one cycle after another. Just about the time one cycle wears people out, he shifts to another one. He keeps people running in circles without ever concluding the problem. Hopelessness says that they have fought and fought to no avail. His cycle is attacking health, finances, and relationships of all kind. When he gets them tangled in one, he picks them off in the other two.

We are not supposed to be ignorant of satan’s devices. This is what he does because this is how he is wired…satan goes after anything that looks like the Kingdom of God.

Satan worked at confusing everyone with the virus. Afraid to die and too poor to live. The virus attacked our health, our finances, and relationships. Division has been rampant between those who are sick and those who are not; to mask or not to mask; to quarantine or not to quarantine; the truth or a lie; a conspiracy or not. The government has been passing out money that the government does not have to give people; money that has been taken away from them through this cycle. Now, we are in the same cycle again, but different circumstances. The focus has moved from the virus of a physical disease to a virus of social injustice. A murder taking place. Not just any murder, but one that will focus a people on the pains of history, constantly touching that part that says they will be hated until the day they die. Their children have nothing to live for except fear. The response: hatred that destroys the heart. A response that says hope is lost so since the hope is destroyed, let us destroy everything else. Let us dethrone the government, for the fault rests there. Let us detach from relationships with anyone who does not agree, for they do not understand, even if they are of the same race. Those of the opposite culture are now shamed, for they have not been able to come up with the strategies and answers necessary for everyone to live in peace. The destruction that comes from the burning of cities, businesses that were already struggling because of the previous cycle have now been burnt to the ground along with the sacrifices of those who built them. The irony…the people hurt the most are the people hurting others as the lives and livelihood of those who have been socially injured.

The enemy stands off to the side looking at the anger and fear he has fueled by using others to tear up our cities and to tear up our dreams, taking hope and wearing people out as he revs up for the next cycle of events. By the time you catch your breath, hope will be snatched from us again as we move toward the time to place in office those who will fulfill our dreams and remove those we believe are the cause.

We have been tricked into a warfare that is based on true events, but not based on truth. Born again believers must not allow ourselves to be manipulated by our emotions or even our history. When we attempt to fight the enemy on his territory it is a given that we have not only lost the battle, we fuel the war. What is the answer?

Stop fighting back with satan’s tools of hopelessness, bitterness and going backwards for history will always point people to what it was with no hope of what will be. Come together as believers and instead of praying, crying out for relief from the pain, ask God for a strategy. Take up the authority we have in the earth by the spirit and decree into these situations what Father has decreed…on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.

Do as David did, when moving the ark. People died because he did the good thing in a wrong way. He went back to the book to find out how to move it properly so that even those who would help to move it would not lose their lives.

People do not want action. They have moved to an anger that brings sin…they now want the blood of those who made their life miserable.

Kingdom process removes the traditional church service of entertainment and inspiration to a meeting of hearts and minds around the map of the Kingdom way, which first of all says, we seek the King and HIS righteousness…or the right way to do something. Once you turn from the fires of hatred to the Kingdom way, the fires started by the enemy are diffused. A quietness of spirit comes so that thinking correctly is restored and now kingdom decisions can be made so that Father can orchestrate justice.

We quote the scripture that we do not fight against flesh and blood…yet that is what we do when we do not do it the Kingdom way. The Kingdom way recognizes that the enemy is using flesh and blood to carry out his bidding, so while we may not like the ways of those being used, we attack the spirit by the declaration of life into the lives of those who are used for evil.

Father has a way of removing or bypassing those the enemy uses…but He tells you your part. Circumstances do not always tell you the Kingdom truth. Only the King can tell you the truth. When we look at the results as truth, we miss the truth and continue to be the victims of the circumstances and pawns in the hands of the enemy who wants the government of the Kingdom shut down. The Kingdom system provides for the diffusion of the world system.



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