Timetable for Dreams and Prophecies

Timetable for Dreams and Prophecies

Waiting for prophecies or dreams to come to pass.

I’m sitting here amazed at the amount of years that have swept by me. Numerous people over the years have asked me to interpret dreams and judge words given to them by some of God’s people. Many people have responded as if to say to me…you’ve missed it by more than a mile. Then they give me their interpretation…and I just smile.

When I was ten years old I saw the airplanes enter into the World Trade Center. The planes looked like toy planes and the dream started out fascinating…until explosions.

Now, when I was ten years old, The Trade Center had not yet been built. I did not realize at that age what a prophet was, prophecies or what to do about dreams. My parents did not understand and discouraged me from sharing such fantasies.

As I grew older I became more quiet. Then, I ran into some of God’s people who could sense my seeing knowledge and encouraged me, only to discover I was their commodity. Finally I grew into some level of maturity and began to figure some things out. I did not have the training that is available to many today. However, I did come across a precious spiritual father (Apostle Melvin L. Tisdale) who recognized what was happening with me. He was able to discern how Holy Spirit worked in me concerning times and dimensions. My mother always told me that I was ahead of my time…and when it caught up, I would just simply move further ahead. I did not understand that…however, Apostle Tisdale told me that I saw many years ahead of others, frustrating myself when things just did not happen as I saw them…or people did not believe me.

As I became more fluent in the scriptures, I came to a place of peace…as this is the way Holy Spirit talked most of the time. Jesus said things such as…”you do not understand now, but when it happens you will understand and/or remember.”

I am now looking at things before me having come to pass that I saw fifty years ago. Don’t discard dreams and interpretations that do not seem to fit what you thought. I had a dream about a precious woman of God…when I told her what it meant she did not seem too impressed. I now understand what I saw that she did not see. The people in my dream were not yet in her life at that time.

I had a strange dream not too many years ago, of being in the water as the pioneers were forging their way into America. I saw some of them die. I would swim over to try to help them. I encountered a creature I knew was a demon. It grabbed hold of me by my mouth and started dragging me away from those dying in the waters. When I woke up my mouth was bruised and hurting.

I asked the Lord what did this all mean. I had actually been thrust in the past to an incident that was now in our history books. He said that there were the seed of grandchildren, great grandchildren and more who would make it through. Babies born during that time whose parents eventually died, but they lived on are still among us somewhere today, fulfilling their destiny. It was a form of intercession rarely talked about among believers.

Sound strange? Imagine how I felt dreaming it and then hearing God’s explanation of what He was still doing and working in the midst of it. The assurance of what He was doing in our nation.

Never underestimate what God has already done. Several years ago, while in a dream of some kind I found myself in Israel. I was among a bunch of young people, teenagers. They were walking around in a maze of huge bricks while singing songs. The melody of the songs captivated me. For days I could hear those songs playing in my head…and surprisingly, in my heart. A couple of weeks later, a friend of mine invited me to a conference held in a nearby city. I went…and during the praise and worship the pastor introduced one of the worship leaders who had some original music to present to the congregation. She began to play and sing the songs I had heard while in Israel, a place I have never physically visited. I have thought about it since the current battles in Israel. The ones on that praise team are now so much older. However they were led into intercessory songs years before they were needed.

Take care how you judge a prophet or prophecy. Keep it before the Lord, and when not sure, do not act upon it. Holy Spirit will tell you how to pray about these type of things. I do not share everything I am shown, for He does not give me information to shout to the world. I have even learned that, even after some things come to pass, unless He gives me permission I do not say I saw that, dreamed that or prayed about that.

Holy Spirit wants to trust us with His mysteries. There are some things I am very cautious about. The lives and destinies of others are entrusted to us by Father…and I honor His trust.

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