I Love You…BUT

I Love You…BUT

I Love you…BUT

The English language is one that has been brutalized by the very people who must speak and understand it. It is a reflection of what has taken place in our school system during the past two to three generations.

The word “but” has a very simple job to do. Grammaticlly it negates everything that is mentioned before it. As a result, we can contradict ourselves repeatedly in one sentence or when referring to one topic at the same time. Consequently a paragraph can become quite confusing to one not educated in the system of grammar. I have mistakenly used many words out of my personal understanding…and not according to the system of grammar.

When the sentence or statement is read or spoken: I love you, BUT…grammatically you are saying that you DO NOT LOVE THEM. This may not be your intention, but it is the result of the statement.

When the statement, I love you BUT I do not TRUST you, is made the truth of the words spoken grammatically is “I do not trust you.” Love is not carried into the thought of “I do not trust you.”

A clearer and more precise way to get your point across would be: I love you. Your actions, at this time, make it difficult for me to trust your behavior as becoming an individual who acts with integrity. If you desire to continue to grow in righteous living, I can help you learn what that is and how to function with such character. Whether or not you are ready for such instruction, I want you to know that because I love you and value you as our Heavenly Father values you, I will continue to keep you before His Throne so that your destiny can be fulfilled.

If you are dealing with someone whose behavior tends to be that of rage or uncontrolled anger, you may make the same statement, including the phrase that “at this time, your uncontrolled anger causes me to not feel or experience safety around you. Your walk with God and our relationship is important to me. However, we must limit the boundaries of this relationship until there is a change in your heart so that my family and I (or church) can experience a safe environment once more. I am willing to suggest a place where you may receive counseling for this problem.

These are suggested wordings so that people are never left believing they are left outside of the Love of God even when their behavior requires a change.

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